I'm so glad we got this done! It was so hard for me... It's not my forte to do guys in general. so you can imagine that it was hard for me to make sure I was rising to the challenge. This was the second session I got to use the new camera for and I had played with the custom settings a bit and forgot to change it back before I shot these. And man was I glad I didn't!

The color in this picture is a little more dramatic than the camera actually took, but as I clicked away and then viewed on the lcd I realized these pictures were going to be different than anything I had done before.

I love this shot. I love when dead things can be so beautiful, and the woods in the winter are such evidence of how that is possible.

We met up at Mendon Ponds to take these pics... remember this chimney? It was a long trek into the woods to get here and it was COLD. I had the luxury of actually being able to wear a jacket... and gloves... and a hat... in fact I had to crop my mitten out of quite a few pictures LOL! They were freezing however, and although I tried to get these done as quickly as possible, it still took about 45 minutes.
Oh, and I know that it's one of those unspoken photographer rules, but you're not supposed to tell people when you screw up, but I think this one is funny. So I'm going to let you in on a little secret. The above picture was taken after we had come off the bird trail; for which we had brought a gallon size ziploc bag filled with dry bread. I forgot to move the bag out of the way before I took this set... and so when I downloaded these you can imagine how surprised I was to see that dumb bag RIGHT in the middle of the picture!
If you can figure out where it was (because I obviously got rid of it) I'll give you a prize. hmmm... ok, well maybe a high five LOL! What would I give out as a prize if I WERE going to give one? Any ideas?

While taking this shot, there were chickadees flying around everywhere! I only had to take this picture oh about 20 times before I got all three of them looking. Their faces and heads and bodies were all staying the same, but their eyes were moving all over the place. It was pretty funny scrolling through :)

Since Bryan had all his individuals when we did sr pics, I wanted to get a couple of the other two while we were out this time. I don't know what it was about this picture, maybe the balance of color or what, but I just love it.

And look at Bryce's ears, it was seriously freezing! I felt so bad!

I totally took this after I promised them we were DONE and I wouldn't take anymore... but we were walking back down the path and I saw this shot in my mind... it had to be done. I did it with all three of them alternating but I liked this one best :)

One of these days, I swear I'll get this shot right. This one isn't bad, but it could be better... eh, live and learn! I just love doing this shot though because it's so much fun! And everyone always does it differently

How's this for a classic shot? We were almost done and they reminded me to take this... I'm so glad they did because it ended up being a favorite :)
Well that's it for now. I have a bunch more to get up! I have been trying to post one a day, and I know i missed yesterday, but hey. What's a girl to do? I ended up making gingerbread houses most of today so I'm honestly shocked that I have time to do this right now. I got a cool shot of two of that fiasco, so I'll post something, but you'll be able to read the whole story over at my other blog :)

1 comment:
so sweet. sooo sweet.
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