I am so behind in everything... except my pictures :) And that can't be bad right?
This whole only posting once a day is killing me, although it's really good for me at the same time... cuz I write better in small doses :)
So, without further adieu, here are Marcus and Maddox.

First shot. This is when I went from thinking it would go good to KNOWING it would go tood :D

Can anyone say synchronized crawling?

If i ever have twins... they will totally have onesies like this. Seriously, it just kills me... cuteness stinking overload!

While they were laying next to eachother like this, they kept holding hands. It was so precious. Twins have such a special bond... It's really cool to see. So i wanted to capture a piece of that...

It was just about all I could do to NOT steal these hats! They are too adorable. This shot was preceeded by my entrance into the world of naked babies peeing while we take pictures! It happened 3 times last week, all different babies of course

Aaaand, you've seen this one before... but i just LOVE his little lip. I believe that one is Marcus... i may be wrong though! Anyways, what a joy these little guys were to work with... not to mention mom and dad. They are awesome. Thank you so much for doing this with me!
I'll be reworking the website probably about January, and these pictures are sure to make it on there. Along with a lot of others, but I will let you all know when it's updated. I'm also thinking about changing the colors/feel. I like the black and blue/green more traditional feel... but honestly i'm getting a little sick of it! That's me for ya. I always like change. If you have any feedback i'd be interested to hear what you think I should do with it. Comment and let me know :)

So cute!!
I recently saw some twin onesies...one said "copy" and the other said "paste." :D
Oh my gosh - Bethany, that is the cutest idea ever for onesies!
How did I miss your post about my little men?!?
We enjoyed our time with you that day, and you have been a joy to "work" with. We are blessed to have met you and look forward to many more fun sessions!!!
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