I'm sure you will be able to tell that these are from the summer, since my location is currently under a foot of snow...
Every summer, for the last 4 years, one of my brother's 3 kids have come to visit for a week by themselves. Well, last year (2007) marked one year so far for each kid, so 2008 all 3 of them stayed with us.
I have wanted to take these chillens out for years. And I do mean years. I have wanted to get my camera on them for so long and am soooo happy to have finally done so! Trust me, this will be happening again. I'm sure they thought this was going to be tortuous, however, it was quite fun... and they tried really hard, but there was no mistaking the actual laughing and fun they were indeed caught having :)

Here they are! Standing here in order is Raelynn, Robbie and Nick. Today is Robbie and Raelynn's birthday! They are 13. I can't believe it (and in case you didn't figure it out, by the whole today is their birthday, they are indeed twins :) Nick's birthday is in one week on the 31st and he shares that with my mom. We love birthdays around here... so we all try extra hard to make sure we're born on a good day :)

In order to get one good shot of them all running I probably had to take 75 pictures. No kidding. Now there's something worth remembering! I do NOT take perfect pictures every time. I just take a million pictures :)

I think this picture took on a real mid-twentieth century look when I rendered it in black and white. The houses in the background are such cool beach houses! You'd never guess you could find that in good old Rochester

They all thought it would be cute to do a play on "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" because there was 3 of them. I really liked it :)

That particular day, the water was very rough and in fact, the county closed the beach. Meaning, we could still be on the beach part, but not go in the water. Oops. We found that out the wrong way lol! But they still climbed all over the pier and it ended up being a really cool set up




This is one of my favorite shots from the whole shoot. I had a lot of favorites honestly, but this one strikes me each time i look at it...

But this one is my favorite favorite :) I just wish we could see Nick!
I am so happy to finally have these pictures, and even more happy to share them! Especially with my brother and sis-in-law. I hope to be able to do it again next summer. I know for sure though that I am going to be taking pictures with my other brother's family of 6. That will be an adventure for sure, and I can't wait!