This was by far the
largest family I have photographed. Nine in all! and the 5 hours of which I speak only accounts for the time I spent
taking the pictures!
I won't even go into how many more hours it took to narrow them down... it's daunting I tell you. And that's the main reason I haven't updated in so long!
You may remember this face from a couple posts back, and now you can take a look at the beautiful rest of the fam :)

One of my favorite things when getting ready to take pictures is when my clients have an idea in mind, or a specific place to go. This was Sherrie's find and I am
so glad she found it! Seriously, how cool is this fireplace? I fear, this may not be the last time you see it ;)
My personal favorite style of photography is close-ups. I've probably mentioned that before, and I'm sure I will again... but I'm always wanting to get right up in there and take a face shot.
And awesomely enough, that's Sherrie's favorite style as well :) So you can guess how much fun I had with this!
The one thing I struggle with the most as a nanny is the idea of having my own kids one day. However, getting to know this family has done the opposite of what you would think about my desire for kids. The difference between seven kids versus two or three kids is HUGE! There is a need for personal responsibility when there are a lot of kids around. Their kids are responsible for themselves and eachother, and I found that so refreshing. It made me realize that kids are indeed their own person, and while they will always need guidance, I don't need to hover (like I end up doing most of the time!)
They are all so well-behaved and honestly, the idea of having a family of my own like this someday is really exciting :)
So here they are, in order from oldest to youngest...








I saw this pose just before I did this shoot and was sooo excited to have two sisters to do it with! How beautiful are these girls and how amazing are their eyes? the contrasting colors are almost too much to handle! I'll definitely be doing this shot again, because I really do like it :)

I love the fact that this job is always pushing my past my comfort zone and forcing me to try new poses and shots. This family was
perfect for doing this stuff, since having fun was the main thing that she wanted captured. It's not easy! Onward I forge, trying new things and after enough shots, I'll end up with one like this that makes me smile everytime i see it :)

Notice the baby's face here. All that little guy wanted to do was be on the ground with as much access to leaves and sticks as possible. Pick him up, he cries, set him down, he is in heaven :) If he could talk, I think he would be saying, "look ma! stick!"

I feel this shot becoming something I do often... I'll have to work on finding new and different creative ways to do it... and with stuff other than shoes. but I seriously loooove this :)

Besides the fact that I think they both look amazing in this picture, I also wanted to point out how incredible I think the light is. I have read other photogs blogs and found that many find the light just before dusk has an element of warming magic. It's absolutely beautiful and casts an unmistakeable glow.
Thank you Sherrie and James for choosing me to capture your family at this time. You and your family is a blessing to me and I can't tell you how honored I am to know you and have you in my life...