Unfortunately for us, the light was low by the time we got up there. Here's a visual. Alicia in 3.5 inch heels running down Scio street.
We literally were running from place to place trying to get in enough pictures to make the hike up there worth it!

At first when I looked at this shot in the camera I was kinda thinking... yaaaaaah... i'm not sure about that one. But seriously, it came out so good! I LOVE the realness of it! it's so her!

It's funny, I've been learning not to delete as I go. Because often I have found that photos I think will be awful turn out really great! you can't trust a 2 inch LCD apparently :)

This shot turned out so great. I love the pose, the wall, what she's wearing... yah, I just love it.

Then this one is the same wall as before, I was just at a different angle. What was sooo hilarious though is that while I was trying to take this one, there was this guy walking down the street giving us this creepfest weirdo smile. I actually got a shot of him in the background turned around looking at us and smiling... I don't think it's THAT weird to be taking pictures on the street!

Can we just talk for a moment about the colors in this shot? I love, love, LOVE bright colors, and they just do amazing things in pictures!

My favorite kind of picture to take are close-ups. I just love face shots. In fact, I constantly am forcing myself to back up and take more in!
Tomorrow I have a session with a family of 9 and she has specifically requested face shots. I am stoked about this and I know I am going to be able to rock it!

We had to have one for the scrapbooks :) I don't even think we could gather together all the pictures alicia and I have over the last 5 years.
Speaking of the last 5 years, that reminds me of an amusing story... the one that led to these pictures in the first place.
Five years ago September 2003, Alicia and I were mere freshmen at EBI and were moving into our respective dorms. I remember walking two doors down and striking up a conversation with her whereupon I saw a picture that was taken at the studio I then currently worked at. So I commented on it and we began to talk about photos and photography.
We then moved back to my room where I showed her some of my work... and I believe it was at that point that i became labeled as "alicia's favorite photographer."
Fast forward to last wednesday. The day before these pictures were taken. Alicia decided it was time to tell me a secret she had been keeping for years.
Apparently, our friendship was her "investment." She basically figured if she shmoozed me enough and stayed friends with me long enough... eventually she would get free pictures from me.
The gist of the conversation was her informing me that she was, "cashing in on her 5 year investment." LOL!
too bad we're still friends. I guess her plan didn't work as well as she thought HAHAHA!