However, Gabrielle has a family! Yes, that's right :) A beautiful family I might add.
I love all of these people so much. They're dear to my heart and am so glad to have once again taken pictures for them.

I love family pictures for the same reason I hate them. Taking a family picture with little kids is so incredibly hard. It's hard for mom, dad, ME and I would imagine the kids get sick of hearing their names yelled over and over and over to look! look! hey! pllllttt! But it always pays off in the end, and the emotion captured in pictures like this is what keeps me going.

May I please just say how much I looked forward to photographing Gabrielle in a tutu? I can't even handle it.

Samuel. This boy hasn't ceased to amaze me. He is brilliant. I love his little voice, so articulate and purposeful. And those eyes... boys always get the good lashes ;)

LOVE this

and this :)

These beautiful children were brought to you by these two beautiful people. I mean seriously, what did they think was going to happen when they had kids. How could their kids not be good looking?

Tim and Michelle, thank you for making me a part of your family. It's been a long time, but I still feel like I belong when I'm with you. Friends like you are one of the best parts of life, but it also means leaving is going to be even harder... Thank you for everything over the years. I am looking forward to watching your family grow through the years :)

yes, true, they are gorgeous... however you did a fabulous job in capturing their collective hot-ness!
That was so sweet! It's good to know that you love us despite dealing with my type A/OCD personality over the years!
What can I say except you are amazing! You are truly great at what you do. I remember meeting you for the first time in my kitchen at a youth leaders meeting. WOW - how you have grown into a self-confident, artistic, motivated, Godly woman! I am so happy that you love what you do and what you do blesses others!
You will always be a part of our home and our hearts no matter how far you go.
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