I think he likes the new look. I like it way better than before. I also am developing the habit of photographing him in almost total darkness... hey, it is what it is. what can i say?
In actual, more important, news that you actually care about, I will be shooting my second err third (counting my very first 4 years ago) wedding tomorrow. It's supposed to rain the entire day. But hey, if you remember correctly, I have experience with that. It's gonna be great no matter what :)
now, on to the star of this post. and his antics*. he wishes for me to caption these as follows.

whatchoo lookin at?

my name shall no longer be Sting, you may call me Swimby (ps I did not approve this name change)

a shadow lurking among the forestry, watching you as you sleep.
*yes, I am aware that i sound like a completely crazy

1 comment:
mommy i ascared!
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