my name is: emily

my school is: homeschool
my graduation date is: May 22

the last thing i ate was: an apple
my dream job is: singer/songwriter

if I had $1,000 i would buy: a junky old car (hey, if it runs who cares what it looks like?)

my favorite thing in my closet: purple halter top

my favorite pastime: writing songs and singing whatever comes into my head

i have never… seen heaven
my favorite magazine: Brio

my favorite place to shop:any thrift store (they're the best!)

my favorite high school moment: don't have one. highschool's been fairly static for me, never a really bad moment.

i love amanda slakes photography because: the photographer's waayyyy cool and completely talented!

my school is: homeschool
my graduation date is: May 22

the last thing i ate was: an apple
my dream job is: singer/songwriter

if I had $1,000 i would buy: a junky old car (hey, if it runs who cares what it looks like?)

my favorite thing in my closet: purple halter top

my favorite pastime: writing songs and singing whatever comes into my head

i have never… seen heaven
my favorite magazine: Brio

my favorite place to shop:any thrift store (they're the best!)

my favorite high school moment: don't have one. highschool's been fairly static for me, never a really bad moment.

i love amanda slakes photography because: the photographer's waayyyy cool and completely talented!