This may be entirely excessive, but as I tried to narrow down my favorite shots from this particular shoot, I had
the hardest time. Therefore, I didn't really narrow... i sorta just picked em all :) and there were in fact actually
more favorites (if you can imagine such a thing) but these were the favorite favorites.
My troubles in deciding which i liked best may have had something to do with this particular family. Seriously some of the nicest and down-to-earth people I've ever met. I am so glad to be able to call Andrea and Daniel my friends now and am so honored to have been able to do this shoot with them... even if all involved parties were not exactly... well,
happy about it ;)
I arrived at the beautifully enormous house they stayed in over Christmas while here visiting family early afternoon and was greeted by their two oldest children, Eve and Judah. although at first hesitant to talk to me, within minutes they were treating me like someone who'd been around for years.
We started with the whole family pics first in the hopes that we could get something good before there was a meltdown
you know how that goes :)

I snapped and snapped and snapped some more. And then as I poured over these pictures, I decided that a real family picture just wouldn't be, well,
real without at least one cheesy smile and some bow throwing, wouldn't you agree?

my, oh my, will ya look at those eyes?

I just love this set. I got quite out of control with how many pictures I actually took here, as if I'm not out of control enough!

Daniel and Andrea are so freakin cute together... and they probably know it :) But seriously, I
love taking pictures of people who love eachother. It's just so easy!

I am pretty much in love with the eyeshadow she was wearing so well that day. I want it, i need it, i
must have it! But if i can't, then this picture will suffice... or one of the others i took like this :)

I'd like to pause for a moment and go back to what I said earlier about family pictures being...
real. How much more real does it get than this people? Seriously :)

We had a tired girl on our hands as we trekked back in the house. We took a short break for some lunch and then attempted to get some individuals before everyone melted into a puddle...
I have 3 words for you Andrea and Daniel...



This girl is not only beautiful, but so precious. She uses words like
fancy :) and that makes me smile. Before I could take her picture, it was very important that her dress was just right, she had the right jewelry on, and her lip gloss was applied properly. So stinking cute,
almost too much to handle... but not quite :)

What a stitch this one was! Judah is right on par with 2 year old craziness... the perfect mix of sweet and boy.

just look at the mischief in him... it's written all over his face!

Little Eliza was my toughest critic. I had a hard time with her! I pretty much couldn't handle that even she had her jewelry on :) Just barely 1 and already rockin her style

speaking of style, how bout the birthday look? I swear, whenever a mom asks me what they should dress their baby in, I secretly think
everytime: a diaper. That's it :) It's only ok to be nudey in pictures once in your life!

After the kids went to take a nap, Andrea, Daniel and I went back outside to get some more of just the two of them.

This picture right here has been deemed my favorite from that day. I will do this picture over and over and over LOL much like the shoes picture on my website. If you haven't seen it, don't worry, you'll see variations of it from almost every couple shoot I do forevermore ;)
I actually almost entered this in the
Rochester Addys, but decided not to as i just don't have the fundage for such an expenditure at this time. ugh

This shot was taken on my tiptoes holding the camera as far above my head as I could. I've done this many times and almost fallen over a few ;) falling in snow is not fun... so luckily i didn't this time lol

The last couple before we were done. This came close to earning the title of my favorite shot from the shoot, but it has placed a close second. Again with the eyeshadow! It's rock-out amazing!
Talkin about rock-out amazing, I can't publish this post without mentioning what an amazing photographer Andrea is
herself. Go check out her blog at
Sgt and Mrs Hub and be in awe of her talent as I still am. Seriously.
Well, 26 pictures later, did you make it through? Was it worth it? Oh goodness, I hope so ;)
I have an engagement session tbd very soon. I'm about half way through it right now. And guess what is so special about said engagement session? it's the preamble to my
very first wedding as a real photographer! I'm so very excited... but soooo nervous at the same time :)